Still Naive

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shut Up! Finished Object!?! No way!

Thaaaat's right! My very first kimino is D O N E done! Forizzle! I'm so excited. I'm already halfway finished with my second baby kimino. After two more girly ones I'll make one for my very own bun in the oven. Even matching booties and hat. Can't wait!

As for the furry blue crap-ass projects. I've abandoned them all. That yarn is the worst and should only be given to knitters you really really hate. I have one project I restarted with Devil Blue yarn and that's just a plain old ribbed scarf. We'll see what happens. I'm only 3 inches into it, but every time I walk by that project I have to give it the "stink eye" and grumble at it. One day I may finish it. But I'll still be left with 3 skeins of it's evil leftovers.

As for the sickness I think it's past, I'm just a little stuffy in the morning but otherwise functioning. I did have my first pregnancy accident the other day. We have a corner of the yard blocked off as HP's play area. Ya know to keep the riff-raff out (aka the dogs). Well my dad, as sweet as he is, built the short fence but didn't complete it. There's no gate. So we improvised by using a baby gate. Baby gates are a pain to move so we always step over it. Well, carrying a front load now I should really take the time to move the gate. It had just rained and I was walking home from the 'rents house (they live directly behind us). I got one leg over the gate and just about had the second over when our overweight weiner dog jumped on the gate and it snagged my shoe. I went down like a spasic ton of bricks. I got my hands out to break my fall but it was muddy so I slid and landed hard on my left knee. On the concrete. After I scraped what was left of my knee (and pride) off of the cement my wound started to bleed. It hurt really bad and I cried like a little kid that fell off her bike.

Two days later and it still hurts. I've also used a whole bottle of bactine. I think it wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't on the side of my knee. It stings everytime I try to bend it. *sigh* That'll teach me to be lazy. Oh well I'll survive. After all there is knitting to be done.


Blogger magKNITficent said...

Sorry about your knee, but the sweater is just adorable

9:41 PM  
Blogger Brena said...

That sweater is super cute! Missed you last Tuesday, it was just Carmen and I.


11:25 AM  

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