Still Naive

Friday, August 04, 2006

Finally a knitting post

I'm pretty sure I have ADD when it comes to knitting. I can't finish anything. I have about 5 projects on needles and another 3 that I put on stitch holders so I could use those needles instead of buying yet another pair. I've picked back up the Embroidered Raglan Sweater from "Knitting for Two" by Erika Knight. I've put it on hold for the past 3 months. The sweater I'm knitting is for my friends son, he's about a month old. I figure by the time I actually finish it he'll be 6months and the perfect size for the sweater. Here's where I'm at so far:

I'm still on the front and slowly making my way thru the decreases. I got a little confused as it said "Decrease" but didn't tell me how. Well actually it said When knitting a fully-fashioned garment, work the decreases 3 stitches in from the outside edge, knitting thru the back of the loops. Say what? I really should completely read my Stitch N' Bitch book. Luckily I'm at work (doing nothing) and logged onto and decided to use the SSK (slip as to knit, slip as to purl and then knit something or other). I'm praying that it works. We'll see what happens as I still have to actually finish the front, then the back and 2 sleeves. I should've made a blanket instead.

On another note, how the heck do I add links on the sidebar of my blogger to my other knitting friends? Anyone? Anyone?


Blogger m. said...

Re: Knitting ADD, I too have tons of projects on needles that wait forever to get completed. But lately I've been in a finishing groove. :)

Re: Links
From the blogger dashboard, click on the Template tab and scroll through the HTML for your blog. Hit CTRL+F and 'find' the word 'links'. There'll be a whole section for adding links. With the pre-done templates from blogger I think it even tells you how the HTML should look.

If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll give you more detailed instructions.

And you should come on Tuesday! Or Saturday after the birthday bonanza! We miss you.

8:27 AM  

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