Still Naive

Monday, July 24, 2006

Personal Hell

This past weekend I had the *ahem* pleasure of watching my sister's kids along with my own rugrat. It was like a slow motion horror movie. Friday night they came over and our power decided to crap out on us. God love Florida and nights that feel like it's 85 degrees outside. The kids all woke up at 6:30a (wha? There's a 6:30 AM?). By 8am we headed next door to Nana's house to use the pool.

Ok, so my sister's kids aren’t that bad but they do drive you insane. Everything you say or ask them is followed with a "Why?". I can't stand that. The oldest one is snotty and talks back. I really can't stand that, it makes my blood boil. On top of that you have to ask them 4 times to do some menial easy task. Ugh, just thinking about it gives me a migraine.

By 11:30am the boy had gotten out of the pool as he was cold. The girl shortly followed-not by choice. She smarted off to me and I made her get out as punishment, and no swimming for the rest of the sweltering day. My buoy was the only one left bobbing in the pool. Hubby came out and asked why the girl was coming inside. I told him about her behavior; he walked back over to our house to check on the electrician. We live directly next door it's a 10 second walk. The kids were inside changing. Steve walked back over to check on the kids and the boy told him "Sissy is on the phone". Steve asked her 3 times whom she was calling and 3 times she lied and said no one. 911 called us back to make sure there was no emergency. Then the sheriffs department stopped by to verify. *Sigh* at least she didn't call a 1-900 number. We made her (through tears and sobbing) apologize to the sheriff for making the phony call. Her punishment was no birthday party and no swimming for the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately it was more like punishment to us, as we had to listen to her whine all weekend.

I had mentioned in an earlier post that HP got a new bunkbed. That opened up another can of worms as all three kids wanted to sleep on the top bunk. We ended up splitting them up, girl on top bunk, HP on bottom and boy sleeping in a different room. We very quickly found out that he's the instigator and general shit disturber.

I found out this weekend that boy sleepwalks. He slept walked into HP's room and peed on the floor and himself. I believe weekend was really about me not getting any sleep. I was actually looking forward to going to work and being away from the kids.

By Sunday night we were done with taking care of 3 kids. HP was especially over it as he could be heard in his room screaming "GET OUT! Get out of my room!!!". Bedtime on Sunday night had been drastically moved up to 7:30p instead of 9pm. If we hadn't done that, we would have ended up with fewer kids than we started with and an alibi nowhere in sight.

I must say though, girl was brave and yanked out her own loose tooth. After we told her she would get money for it.


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