Still Naive

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sexist Remarks

Ok so we did some major damage at the Super Target last night. We bought a buttload of christmas prezzies for HP. My major weakness is the dollar bins, I love them. Well this week the have pretend food for kids. I bought $15 then Steve made me stop (party pooper) before I bought it all. Only problem is that HP doesn't have a play kitchen. My mission tonight was to go to BJ's and buy a play kitchen (oh and the new collapsible rubbermaid storage containers, btw they rock!). The kitchen at BJ's was HUGE and almost $200. About $100 more than I want to spend. Plus I don't think a pretend kitchen should be better than my real kitchen.

Somehow I managed to get Steve to trek over to Toys R Us. They only had 3 options. The same really expensive kitchen, a grill lookin' kitchen and then a Cook N Clean kitchen set. There was a woman looking at the same kitchens. She mentions that her daughter wants a pink kitchen and she looked miffed that all the kitchen sets were neutral colors. Steve pipes up and says "Yeah we're looking for a kitchen for our 3 year old son". She gets a really shocked looked on her face and says "Oh well I think you should get him the grill and cook, it would be great for a boy".

Okay people currently I'm 8 months pregnant and really hormonal. I snapped back that I didn't ask for her opinion and boys can cook too. She left rather suddenly. We got the Cook n Clean set, it comes with an iron and built in washer/dryer.

Seriously what is wrong with people? Do they not watch TV? Some of the best Chefs are MEN. Hell's Kitchen is one of my favorite reality shows and I would do naughty things to "Good Eats" Alton Brown. I'm still miffed, I really shouldn't be but golly. We already bought the kitchen but my mom said that Kmart has a smaller one for half the price we paid. I just might go and check it out, as I saw online that they have working- with water and everything washer for only $25.

Super cool. The way I figure the more "real" stuff I can get him to do the less work I'll have to do around the house. He's already pretty good with the swiffer and knows the right settings for the dishwasher. Not only that but he likes to be paid in fruit snacks.


Blogger magKNITficent said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

What should some stranger care how you raise your son! It seems like you really put her in her place though.

p.s. I totally agree about Alton Brown

9:58 AM  

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